BU121 Winning Article: The Link Between Sports Betting and Gambling Addiction
By Judah Brill

Since the Canadian government legalized single-game sports betting in August 2021, sports fans have been inundated with a surge of betting advertisements during broadcasts. According to a recent CBC research report that examined NHL and NBA broadcasts, sports fans are exposed to almost three gambling messages every minute, with these ads accounting for onefifth of the total viewing time (McMillan et al., 2024). Given this increase in gambling advertisements, it is crucial to examine their potential repercussions, which research suggests may be overwhelmingly negative. Sports betting advertisements should be banned in Canada because they normalize gambling behaviour among younger demographics, act as triggers for individuals with a history of gambling addiction and fail to accurately represent the negative consequences of sports gambling.
Sports Betting Ads Normalize Gambling, Especially for Youth
The widespread presence of sports betting ads coupled with celebrity endorsements has promoted sports gambling behaviour as a normal activity, particularly among vulnerable demographics, including young people. A 2024 poll by Mental Health Research Canada found that 15% of Canadians aged 18-34 are at risk of problem gambling, more than double the national average of 7%. But how do sports gambling ads contribute to this problem? A UK study that examined the impact of gambling marketing and advertisements on people aged 11-24 concluded that such advertisements increased the likelihood of future gambling by young adults (Kitson & Ginnis, 2020). Since young adults are at an increased risk of problem gambling, it is possible that exposure to the barrage of ads during sports telecasts increases the likelihood that they will engage in sports betting.
As if the sheer volume of ads is not enough to normalize sports betting, many ads feature celebrity endorsements, including the likes of Wayne Gretzky and Connor McDavid (Otis, 2023). These endorsements have the potential to add another layer of normalcy to sports betting, as young sports fans often look up to their favourite athletes and attempt to emulate their behaviour. For a devoted Connor McDavid fan, placing a wager after seeing him in a gambling ad may feel like an expression of loyalty, much like wearing his jersey. Ultimately, the aggressive marketing of sports betting, combined with the influence of celebrity endorsements, reinforces the idea that gambling is a routine and acceptable part of sports culture, making young people more susceptible to developing problem gambling habits.
Sports Betting Ads Exacerbate Gambling Addiction
A second concern about the impact of sports betting ads is their ability to act as a trigger for Canadians suffering from problem gambling. Most sports betting ads promote the notion of in-game sports betting via smartphones, which may contribute to gambling addiction by encouraging impulsive, continuous wagering. Jeffrey Derevensky, a child psychologist from McGill University and director of the International Centre for Youth Gambling and High-Risk Behaviours explains that “You could bet on hundreds of things during the game” and that “Problem gamblers are more prone to engaging in continuous forms of gambling” (Otis, 2023). Critics of sports betting go so far as to say that it is like having a “casino in your pocket, available 24 hours a day” (Smith, 2024).
This poses a significant risk. After all, sports gambling is far from a harmless hobby. Bruce Kidd, a University of Toronto professor and co-founder of the Campaign to Ban Ads for Gambling warns that “Sport gambling can lead to significant harm, including runaway debt, stress to families, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and even suicide” (Otis, 2024). The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (2024) further estimates that for every person experiencing gambling problems, another five to ten people are negatively affected. This is not only a burden on families and loved ones, but it also creates a significant rehabilitation cost for healthcare payors and providers. For Canadians at risk of problem gambling, these ads may not only encourage harmful behaviour but could also exploit vulnerable individuals and contribute to life-altering consequences.
Sports Betting Ads Conceal the Dangers of Gambling
Making matters even worse is the fact that sports betting ads largely ignore the negative consequences of gambling activities. Aside from small-font disclaimers displaying a gambling hotline and a ‘Gamble responsibly’ message, sports betting ads fail to warn players of the dangers associated with gambling. Bruce Kidd compares this to the initial stages of anti-tobacco campaigns, when “activists persuaded governments to require of media and schools to show ads demonstrating the harms of smoking” (Damjanovic, 2025). This comparison is valid given that the severity of gambling addiction is well-documented. Smith (2024) highlights that problem gamblers are among the most likely to commit suicide out of any addiction. As a result, the failure of sports gambling ads to adequately represent these negative consequences often prevents players from understanding these serious ramifications until it is too late.
Without proper warnings, there may be no effective deterrent to the dopamine surge that can contribute to addictive behaviour. Steve Joordens of the Canadian Psychological Association describes how “Each loss can make the player feel one step closer to that next win…Once they start, they don’t want to stop, especially after a string of losses” (Kidd, 2024). Given the current state of sports betting ads, individuals might perceive gambling as a safe and normal hobby, which could increase their likelihood of participation. The lack of gambling-related information presented to players is yet another reason to ban sports gambling ads.
Addressing the Lack of Long-Term Data Argument
Those who object to a ban on sports betting ads in Canada often claim that there is insufficient long-term evidence to confirm the harmful effects of these ads, especially on young Canadians. In response to this, many experts emphasize the challenges of conducting a longitudinal study. Luke Clark, a director of the Centre for Gambling Research at the University of British Columbia asserts that “it’s not ethically or practically viable to conduct a controlled experiment on how long-term exposure to gambling ads affects young people” (Smith, 2024). These ethical concerns are valid, given the risks associated with problem gambling. With the immediacy of this issue, it does not make sense for those advocating for a ban to sit idle while extended research is collected. Moreover, Australia, which legalized sports gambling over 40 years ago, has compiled more extensive research suggesting a potential relationship between ads and certain harmful effects (Russell, 2023).
For example, a 2018 longitudinal study conducted by the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation found that betting advertisements had negative effects on all gambling groups, including non-problem gamblers, low-risk, moderate-risk and problem gamblers (Hing, 2018). Although Canadian research lacks long-term data, its alignment with Australian findings supports a complete ban. In short, sports gambling ads should be banned in Canada because they promote sports betting as a normal, harmless hobby. However, sports betting can trigger and worsen problem gambling symptoms. The harmful effects of problem gambling are well-documented, and research increasingly suggests a link between ads and these effects. A significant portion of Canadians support banning sports betting ads. A survey of Canadian adults conducted by Maru Public Opinion found that almost 60% of respondents are in favour of an immediate ban on sports betting ads, with 75% expressing a need to protect youth from these ads (Bond, 2024). Public sentiment is clear - it is time to ban sports betting advertisements in Canada.